Old Town Link
Location: Louisville, Colorado
Program: Pedestrian infrastructure, civic and recreation design, area circulation planning, public-private commercial integration, multi-functional civic plaza and public amenity design
Client: City of Louisville
The Old Town Link project began as an opportunity to connect Louisville’s bustling Historic Downtown with a growing mixed-use development and recreation complex. RE:LAND was selected to lead concept development and site planning for the exciting project with a goal of improving safety and equitable accessibility while building on current public-private partnership successes between the City and Delo Development.
The Old Town Link project transforms a challenged vehicular intersection to a multi-functional, pedestrian-centric corridor and public amenity space. At the core of the project is the expansion of South Street into an activated pedestrian street and new highway underpass. By integrating necessary pedestrian infrastructure upgrades with the Town’s historic fabric, the design team was able to improve circulation and accessibility for all users. A shared public and multi-functional event space, that builds on the successes of the private Delo Development, is also integrated due to site planning and circulation efficiencies.